How To Download Go Market MetaTrader 4 Trading Platform

All You Need To Know About The Meta Trader Guide And More

It might have happened more than often that you would have come across certain sites and applications that helped you deal with forex, understand the ups and downs of the share market, and more, well, it is about time that you understand the basics and start using the right tools to get the job done e.g. FX trading with MetaTrader 4

If you have been looking for a guide regarding how to use MetaTrader 4 trading platform or for a MetaTrader 4 demo then you are at the right place. This is how it works:

1) You’ll first download MetaTrader 4 and set it up on your device. The application is useful over various platforms and can work smoothly with a number of operating systems. All you have to do is look for the exact version that suits your device and then install the same. The set-up and account verification process comes next which you can do as per the guidelines suggested by the app.

2) The login part will give you a choice where you can go markets demo account or set-up a full trading account. Depending on what you’ve installed the app for, get going with the same. Also, for all future logouts make sure that your sign-in information is not saved by the device as there is no particular logout option.

3) Now, if you plan on doing some currency trading then the easiest way is to order yourself the required sum from the market. On the window tab of the MT4 platform, you can select the pair of currencies that you’d like to deal in. The volume box will allow you to trade/bid the desired amount in the form of slots.

You can either sell or buy with the ‘market execution’ type selected by you. Once you fill in the details, the system will guide you towards the further steps thereby helping you and making the process easy.

4) You can also select a short selling or long selling position depending on your investment interest. There are options right there on the tab to help you choose from in between them.

5) Now that you have got a fair idea about the dealings of the trade you’d want to close the trade at some point of time. You cannot just directly close a trade as it ain’t like cancelling or closing a tab, you will have to terminate the trade in order for it to be closed in the right sense.

You will have to go for the trade tab on the terminal window or you can have easy access to the same with a ctrl+T combination. Read out the steps for properly and officially closing the trade and thereby effectively doing it.

And, this covers all the basics that you’ll need to know about the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. There are various other functions available on the site that you can conveniently learn with time and experience.


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  • TraderHelp.Info
    May 29, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    The MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform has long been considered the industry standard for Forex traders across the globe. As one of the first brokers to bring MT4 to Australia back in 2006, GO Markets history and experience with the platform is second to none and our range of MT4 tools, such as MT4 Genesis, have been brought on to better serve our growing client base. Our MetaTrader 4 Mac and Windows software is a popular choice for novice and expert traders alike.

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